Bring It On! A Simple Change In Mindset Makes All The Difference


This is me flipping into Lake Tapps prepping for a 2.4 mile open water swim at race pace.
Photo Credit: Eivind Naess

It’s been forever since my last post and a whole lot has happened since I wrote about taking a Beginner’s Mind approach to my training. Without boring you too much with the details, here are some of the highlights: 1) I’ve peaked in my training volume and am now, at long last, in the taper phase; 2) we sold our house and bought a new one; 3) my better half graduated from nursing school (woohoo!), passed the license exam, interviewed, and got a job as an ER nurse; 4) well, there’s more but I’ll leave it there. You get the idea…it’s been a wee bit busy.

Just one year ago, I would have said “NO WAY! It’s impossible” to balance the training I’ve taken on in addition to everything else we’ve been tackling as a family. Continue reading “Bring It On! A Simple Change In Mindset Makes All The Difference”

Keep It Simple…!

At 5:40am last Friday, I was attempting to explain the main set of a swim workout to the dedicated triathletes who join me every Monday and Friday morning. The operative word: attempting. I was explaining the set over and over in different ways trying to get my point across and to ensure that my fellow triathletes knew what to do but in doing so, I just made things more confusing. Some blank stares ensued, I’m pretty sure I was lost at that point, we were all getting cold, and I remember saying out loud “keep it simple, Continue reading “Keep It Simple…!”

Flip the Switch

“Flip the switch”, “Two sides to every coin”, “Flip it on its head”. These are just a few of many phrases that people latch onto that essentially mean the same thing: THINK DIFFERENTLY! Cognitive restructuring (i.e., changing how we think) is a technique commonly used in psychotherapy and something I’ve done time and time again with my clients. However, David Goggins (click here for his bio and I promise, if you don’t know him, you’ll be impressed) hammers this point home better than I’ve ever heard in Rich Roll’s Podcast just one week ago.

When we push ourselves to the limit, we get closer and closer to who we really are. Continue reading “Flip the Switch”