
I am a Clinical Psychologist, former NCAA Division I athlete, and have had the pleasure of working with athletes from a variety of backgrounds (i.e., NCAA Division I athletes, NCAA Division III athletes, elite high school athletes, and recreational/age-group athletes). I’m fascinated by how much the mind influences one’s ability to perform in sport and the process of helping athletes become the best they can be.

About Applied Sport Psychology

The practice of applied sport psychology involves the teaching of mental skills (e.g., goal-setting, mindfulness, self-talk, motivation, stress management, imagery) with the overarching goal to improve training and competition performance and to help clients to realize their true potential.

My Approach

My Mission: To work with athletes collaboratively to help them become the best they can be.

First and foremost, I am collaborative. In our work together we will function as a “team” in order to determine what strategies best fit your needs, goals, etc. I will work with you to determine which applied sport psychology skills work best for you while, concurrently, getting to know you and what “makes you tick”.

In my practice, I integrate my clinical psychology background in order to build insight with my clients regarding identity, psychological framework (i.e., how one views the world, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions), and the aspects of life that led my clients to pursue competitive sport and peak performance. In the process of developing a more thorough understanding of clients, their background, stressors, etc., we will both be better equipped to parse out what will make them the best athlete they can be and also what areas may be holding them back.